The Parish Hall

Shenfield Parish Hall (Registered Charity No. 301394)

‘Run for the benefit of the local community’ 

Shenfield Parish Hall was built in the 1920s on land given for the purpose by the Courage family, well known brewers and local landowners. It was opened in 1922 as a memorial hall in thanksgiving for peace after the First World War. Ownership was vested in the original trustees, who were: Raymond and Mildred Courage (of Shenfield Place), John Bryer, The Rev’d Wilfred Lewis (Rector of St. Mary’s), Harcourt Landon and Edward Williams (local solicitors). The Hall is not church property, it belongs to the community. Management was placed in the hands of St. Mary’s Parochial Church Council (PCC), who delegated it to an independent Hall Management Committee, two of whose members are appointed by the PCC. 

In 1965 a second room was added, paid for out of a bequest from Gwendoline Lewis, the wife of one of the original trustees. Under recent Charity legislation, and with the approval of the PCC, complete control (i.e. the function of ownership and of management) has been vested in the Hall Management Committee, whose members now act as the Hall’s Trustees in every respect. The Hall was renovated in 2000 using funds made up from a substantial grant from the National Lottery Charities Board and a larger sum generously subscribed locally.

Parish Hall Address:   60 Hutton Road, Shenfield, Brentwood, Essex,  CM15 8LB
Hall Details:

There are two main rooms:

Main Hall
Gwendoline Lewis Room

The hall is equipped with a kitchen:

The Kitchen – Serving hatch and cooker
Equipment – Food preparation area and sink

Hall Plans:

Full plans can be found here

Hall Tariffs:

2024 Tariff Click Here

2025 Tariff Click Here


To contact the Hall Bookings Manager by e-mail click  or copy this link

Please provide your full contact details and the exact dates, room requirements and any other helpful information when enquiring.  To contact the Hall Bookings Manager by telephone, please ring 07826 554494