Our News

St Mary’s Church and School Summer Challenge 2024 — Many thanks to all who ‘rode & strode’ last Saturday. It was a fantastic, sunny day and so lovely to be able to greet so many of you in church. Thank you for bringing yourselves and your smiles, as well as artwork/route maps for us to display. If you managed to fundraise too, you can now submit your donations via our JustGiving page — https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/stmarysrideandstride2024 . Half of any money raised will enable us to improve our church building and half will help other Essex churches to improve theirs. Thank you again!





ORGAN REPAIRS: We need your help! We are trying to raise £20k to cover necessary organ repairs, which will be carried out between the end of May and the middle of July. If you feel able to make a contribution, we would be extremely grateful! The best way to donate is via our Just Giving page – https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/stmarysorganFor more information, please click here. Suzanna Brooks.

For more information, please also follow us on Facebook @StMarysShenfield and Instagram @stmaryschurchshenfield





Parish Magazine

You can learn more about the parish magazine by clicking here

The Link

You can learn more about The Link by clicking here